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Sticking With an Exercise Routine

If you’re like most people, you know how hard it is to stick to an exercise routine. Most people get discouraged and feel helpless and they lose the passion for exercise. Above all things, you should never get discouraged with yourself; It is extremely difficult to find the time and the motivation to exercise. The […]

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Exercise for Lazy People

There are many lazy people out there, and if you consider yourself among their ranks it is OK; because throughout this article you will find the secrets to getting fit through exercises that even the laziest people can do. Most people place exercise into the over-zealous category of life, as if it is one of […]

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The Cost of Being a Fitness Guru

Did you know the 2012 Summer Olympics cost 14.62 billion dollars!? That is a lot of money spent on an athletic competition. So when you think it doesn’t cost money to be an athlete, think again. What are some of the least expensive sports, I wonder. Running, perhaps? Consider the following infographic.

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